Tandeef in carbon footprint reduction drive

Tandeef has reduced its carbon footprint by using low sulphur diesel for its vehicles, along with new technology to maximise waste collection productivity.

The waste collection, street cleaning and city beautification division of Bee’ah has put in place various initiatives to control its emissions and keep the environment and air safe. One such initiative is the fuelling of Tandeef’s waste collection and haulage vehicles with low sulphur diesel which helped decrease particulate emissions without lowering their performance.

“The use of low sulphur diesel in our vehicles has helped us reduce the amount of emissions produced, while also saving thousands of dirhams a year in vehicle maintenance costs,” said Khaled Al Huraimel, ceo of Bee’ah.

“The global industry is moving towards sourcing renewable and biofuel technology to help improve carbon footprint; but at Bee’ah, we have always opted for cleaner fuel since the inception of Tandeef in January 2010,” he added.

In addition, GPS vehicle tracking and computerised route-optimisation systems are used to maximise vehicle service productivity and develop more efficient routes for waste collection, reducing the environmental impact due to emissions from excess fuel consumption.

Last month, Tandeef invested over $16m in new equipment and specialised fleet in street cleaning and waste collection. It also introduced automated bin collection and bin washing vehicles which are quieter and much more efficient than the conventional existing types of vehicles.

Climate change patterns impacted by anthropogenic activities are likely have long-lasting effects on future generations. Preservation of air quality and prevention of its deterioration is hence imperative to the protection against threats posed by climate change, as well as protection of human health caused by noxious pollutants. We monitor the quality of air and help ensure air-emitting industries are meeting the established standards in accordance with national agendas and international protocols.

Our various air quality services include:
  • Sharjah’s Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Network
  • Ambient Air Quality Monitoring
  • Stack Emissions Monitoring
  • Emissions Dispersion Modeling
  • Carbon Foot Printing
  • Emission Inventories
  • Indoor and workspace Air Quality Monitoring
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