We provide expert enviromental solutions, serving a broad
range of industries and orginsations.
We provide expert enviromental solutions, serving a broad
range of industries and orginsations.
لوريم إيبسوم هو ببساطة نص شكلي بمعنى أن الغاية هي الشكل وليس المحتوى ويُستخدم في صناعات المطابع ودور النشر. كان لوريم إيبسوم ولايزال المعيار للنص الشكلي منذ القرن الخامس عشر عندما قامت مطبعة مجهولة برص مجموعة من الأحرف بشكل عشوائي أخذتها من نص، لتكوّن كتيّب بمثابة دليل أو مرجع شكلي لهذه الأحرف.
خمسة قرون من الزمن لم تقضي على هذا النص، بل انه حتى صار مستخدماً وبشكله الأصلي في الطباعة والتنضيد الإلكتروني. انتشر بشكل كبير في ستينيّات هذا القرن مع إصدار رقائق “ليتراسيت” البلاستيكية تحوي مقاطع من هذا النص، وعاد لينتشر مرة أخرى مؤخراَ مع ظهور برامج النشر الإلكتروني مثل “ألدوس بايج مايكر” والتي حوت أيضاً على نسخ من نص لوريم إيبسوم.
We monitor air quality and ensure that Air-Emissions emitting industries meet established regional and international standards.
MoreWe assess the status-quo of ecological systems, potential development impact, and develop plans for rehabilitation of threatened species.
MoreOur team of specialists provides clients with expert assessments on environmental impact, risks, and health and safety at work.
MoreWe have developed a variety of strategies and plans for waste transfer, treatment, recycling, & disposal; providing industries with strategic solutions to minimize the waste generated.
MoreOur experienced specialists work with clients, to identify and evaluate hazards and operability issues associated with process design.
MoreWe help our clients in achieving efficient remediation in order to maximize their commercial assets and minimize their environmental liabilities.
MoreThe Khalid and Al Khan lagoons are important features of Sharjah and iconic tourist attractions. BEEAH was appointed by Shurooq in June 2015 to undertake physical and chemical water quality studies of the Khalid & Al Khan Lagoons.
The Luluyah dumpsite is in the northwestern region of Khorfokkan in the Luluyah area. The Sharjah Government had decided to rehabilitate the site and promote development in the area. Upon the request of the...
Sharjah is the industrial heartland of the UAE, accounting for more than 40% of the country’s industrial GDP. Monitoring air quality is important in protecting the air environment, public health, and promoting sustainable economic development.
Are you eager to address complex environmental challenges? Would you like to apply your skills, and make a head start on your career in environmental management? Do you want to be part of a team that is building an environment-friendly community? Then we have an opportunity for you!
ECS gives dynamic environmental enthusiasts the unique opportunity to join its internship program.ECS is seeking candidates for our 2022 internship program, where;
The ideal candidate will have successfully completed their sophomore year and be actively enrolled in an accredited 4-year college or university program. Interns must be actively enrolled in a technical field of study such as Environmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Environmental Health, Chemical Engineering, Urban Planning, Renewable Energy, or any other environment related majors.
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